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PostPosted: 12 May 2017, 14:37 
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Not having much luck with coding lately .. forgetting simple things.

First in coding for one of the Container Wagons had MILK twice .. coding just gave me a warning but still coded all .. took a while before I niticed the warning .. too late I released the train sets on Bananas.

So I fixed that warning message and again released on Bananas .. and again make boo boo .. instead of releasing AuzTrainsNSW I accidently release NSWTrains.

Now I noticed an error in that release .. It is now listed as AuzTrains .. same as the normal AuzTrains .. both show same name.

What a bumma of a day.

Anyway here the correct version .. I hope ..

It has new containers added to all container wagons except the open wagons with containers.

These trains are all empty container trains.

Container TRains.png
Container TRains.png [ 27.22 KiB | Viewed 10505 times ]
AuzTrainsNSW.rar [523.59 KiB]
Downloaded 877 times

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PostPosted: 16 Mar 2018, 02:37 
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I been playing trains again.

Made some more Mixed Wagon Trains. Before I only had them for Gen3, 4 and 5 wagon sets.

I made some Gen1 and Gen2 sets now.

These Trains from top to bottom are Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3 with a mixture of wagons all carrying GOODS.
Mixed Trains.png
Mixed Trains.png [ 17.24 KiB | Viewed 10103 times ]

The can also carry some other cargos as well and the train will have a random selection of wagons all carrying the same type of Cargo.

File comment: Trains from all States of Australia
AuzTrains.grf [5.01 MiB]
Downloaded 845 times
File comment: Trains from State of NSW Australia
AuzTrainsNSW.grf [4.76 MiB]
Downloaded 815 times

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PostPosted: 27 Mar 2018, 14:08 
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ASide8 and I are still working on new data for the train sets.

Today I been in Sydney at Railway Archives getting the actual dates rolling stock entered service and n some cases when the were condemned.

This will take us at least several weeks to do this updates and add some more rolling stock.

Eventually I like to make a set with the longer vehicles:

This sample I tried with TAM Sleeping cars.
New Sleepers.png
New Sleepers.png [ 155.19 KiB | Viewed 10072 times ]

but will finish the new data entries to the sets I been working on past few years first.

This way you will have a choice play with the normal sizes or the extended sizes.

The data I got today will take me a few days to enter this into the codes and when finished will provide the updates here.

Bananas will have to wait till things get ripper.


Cheers all

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2018, 09:29 
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Had a few days not doing coding and graphics. Ben doing what I love most is train chasing, and when there are steam trains about I love watching them.

On Friday 13th seen a Beyer-Garret and an hour later a 36 class "PIG".
The Garret passing Awaba Station.
GarrattAwaba1.png [ 126.52 KiB | Viewed 9991 times ]

The 36 class approaching Booragul Station. (Called a PIG because of the sound it makes when in motion.
A Pig at Booragul.png
A Pig at Booragul.png [ 190.41 KiB | Viewed 9991 times ]

Than Sunday 15th April those two trains ran parallel between Waratah and Maitland. I took these photos when they was passing Tarro.
Parallel Running1.png
Parallel Running1.png [ 341.99 KiB | Viewed 9991 times ]

Parallel Running2.png
Parallel Running2.png [ 415.95 KiB | Viewed 9991 times ]

The both had a diesel on the ass end .. when they arrived at Maitland instead of running around the train with the steam for the return leg of the journey, the diesel would be used to pull the train and the steam loco would be on the rear end.

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PostPosted: 15 Apr 2018, 09:41 
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Models of those trains I made for AusTrains.

My parallell running with the models I made.png
My parallell running with the models I made.png [ 14.98 KiB | Viewed 9991 times ]

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PostPosted: 18 Apr 2018, 10:24 
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Been brought to my attention that some of the GRF files I released on Bananas is confusing to know which one are the newest.

I never looked before as I always copied my files to my game direct. But I did look and yes they are right .. it is confusing.

So what I in process doing is all the ones that are older I putting the words *** THIS GRF IS OBSOLETE *** in the contents.

So when you Check Online Contents and click on a file

.. to the right in "CONTENT INFO" in "Description" if the file is old it will have the words "*** THIS GRF IS OBSOLETE *** "

Hope this helps you find the newest sets.


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PostPosted: 01 Nov 2018, 14:44 
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Auz Candy Track Vehicles

I started a new newgrf file with Eye Candy Track vehicles.

So far there are only 2 vehicles to maintain your vast network of railway lines. They have a top speed of 40 km/ph.

These become available in 1960.
Hi-Rail Vehicles-1.png
Hi-Rail Vehicles-1.png [ 33.93 KiB | Viewed 9557 times ]

They can operate separately as a single vehicle or you can join them like in pic. They very god drivers as the second one keeps the same distance from the one in front.

I did have these for testing n my AuzTrainsNSW, but now been removed from that set and have their own file now.

It is my plan to add other types eventually, especially some of the older style before they was motorised.

Here's the newgrf files if like to try.

The AuzCandyRailVehicles
AuzCandyRailVehicles.grf [6.86 KiB]
Downloaded 777 times

and this is the AuzTrainsNSW with the eye candy vehicles removed.
AuzTrainsNSW.grf [4.8 MiB]
Downloaded 801 times

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PostPosted: 06 Sep 2019, 09:39 
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What started out making new sprites so that my trains will look nicer and now with much credit to those who made the xussr set version 5 came up with these results.

I made sprites sizes 4 t0 8 first for coaches, louver, open and flat wagons to see if I can get them to look better.
Rollingstock Size 4 to 16.png
Rollingstock Size 4 to 16.png [ 26.05 KiB | Viewed 8866 times ]

And also looking at sizes 9 to 16 to lean how to do the longer trains.
It great where the baggage cars open the doors when stopped at a station, so I done same to carriages as well.

This the result to date.
Doors Open.png
Doors Open.png [ 18.55 KiB | Viewed 8866 times ]

These files have the game file and all the sources I used.

AuzUssrTestTrainSourceSept6.rar [3.41 MiB]
Downloaded 733 times
AuzTrainsTest.grf [765.33 KiB]
Downloaded 708 times

All my projects are GPLv2 License.
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