A bit of time on your hands? A bit bored altogether?At Simuscape we have two ongoing contests for the challenged ones, eager to try out their skills against other members and their creations... Both of them are monthly and the winners in each contest have prizes of some values to expect... Below is a description of each contest, and you can reach each contest area by clicking the images above;
Screenshot of the MonthHave a creative and interesting screenshot from within your TTDLX-game, (TTDP or OTTD)? Then why not participate in Simuscape's own Screenshot of the Month competition, with a chance to actually win an advantage to enter our Visual Studio Premium, thus receiving an opportunity to test out and try pre-releases of new .grf's beforehand?
The rules are simple; Each month a specific theme will be presented and any screenshots entered must follow the theme specified. The deadline for entries are always the last day of each month, and once entering a new month the voting will take place. The winner will receive a point that, once winning even more points, will result in an permission to enter our Visual Studio Premium section... But there may also be surprises along the road...
Each entry, one per participant and month, must be 800x600, and should be pm'd to me. I'll arrange for the entries to be posted in a monthly category, and comments are allowed by posting replies.
However, there's one tiny little catch though! Only those participating in the contest will be allowed to view the entries. Once sending me an entry you'll receive permission, allowing you to enter the monthly category, thus being able to both reply and vote, (once the month has ended). And why is this? Well, because this way you as a participant won't be influenced by other participants entries, but will chose according to your own preferences. Further more, the idea is to encourage people to participate and not just lurk around viewing a few peoples entries and that's it! Having to participate in order to receive access will hopefully work the other way around. Besides, getting an opportunity to test out pre-releases beforehand isn't bad either...
Please note, you're not allowed to send an entry that has been part of another competition here at Simuscape or elsewhere!
So, what are you waiting for? Send me your entry! To find out what the theme of the month is, simply read each category... Any other questions, put them below
Happy gaming! Happy contesting!
I did mention I may participate myself at times, did I?
To enter, please click the left image above...
Update for 2013;Due to low interest the Monthly Screenshot Contest is put on hold for the time being!
Paint AwayNot having the skills to create your own graphics, but eager to try it out peace by peace, month by month... Then perhaps our "Paint Away" contest is your kind of challenge, offering you some various structures to complete in whatever way you may see fit...
Your goal - if interested - is to pick one, (1), of the listed buildings and turn it into a complete building in whatever way you want to, including colours and outdoor additions. These buildings may only be used for this contest alone.
To enter, please the right image above...
Good luck...
And please note, during the summer the contest time frame has been extended which means that our June contests are June-July contests...
Update for 2013;Changes to this feature will be posted soon...