During the last couple of days there have been a rather bitter discussion about a specific "iGRF" invented and released, resulting in various opinions and comments published about this specific feature in some other parts of this TTDLX-community at large.
For the sake of clarification it needs to be addressed that this iGRF in question has never been a result of an attempt to advertise this site, nor its members - simply because it isn't needed! It is however a result of complying with OpenTTD-devs from an earlier discussion about the overall BaNaNaS/ingame content downloader system, referring to the ability of informing OTTD-users of the existance of files outside the vicinity of BaNaNaS and its components - something which has been discussed since many artists have chosen not to use the BaNaNaS/ingame content downloader system. Their reasons are their own and is something that is not up for discussions at this point! And as such the upload of this specific iGRF hasn't violated any rules or any other parts of the overall Terms of Use notices available.
It also needs to be addressed that the current discussion regarding this iGRF is not the opinions of a vast majority of OpenTTD-users world wide, nor here at Simuscape, nor anywhere else. As such it is adviced to consider opinions and comments posted with a cum grano salis...
With this official statement should also be noted that a similar discussion on this specific iGRF not necessarily needs to be performed also within Simuscapes domains. For this purpose there are already threads created on this subject, please use them and respect the commonly agreed amicable atmosphere still prevailing on Simuscape and amongst its members...